my travel blog

In between paid works and life enjoyment, I've covered some events, festivals, and dives. Have a look at my last adventures through these blog posts.
April 14, 2014

Camino de Santiago: 2 – from la Meseta to Santiago

On the worst day, we did only 18 km. Woke up under a layer of snow, got a little sun in the morning, but it started raining before lunch. Still, wet from the previous day, we decided to put a halt on it before lunchtime, arriving to a hostel, which seemed to be closed. Besides, it was totally uninteresting. Hadn’t it been the only within a huge mile range, we would have picked another one.
April 14, 2014

Camino de Santiago: 1 – from Saint Jean to Burgos

Arrived early afternoon, booked a bed on a hostel, got my passport stamped and the itinerary. From the train station, to the city centre I had already realised my backpack was too heavy. Or maybe it was just me, not used to carry such a thing. Anyway, there was nothing to do about it, but to carry on.
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